Second, here are a few things from John Frame. First, an older post linking to his four favorite books on the Doctrine of Scripture. Every single one of these books is worth having. About a century later the Warfield book remains one of the best books on the subject. Frequent readers know that I highly recommend Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics in general though as Professor Frame notes you'll find him particularly helpful on this topic. Kline's The Structure of Biblical Authority is a fantastic work and not that lengthy. I will warn you that it is very technical and it's a tough read. I would probably put it last on the list for that reason. I do highly recommend both of the articles in The Infallible Word that Professor Frame mentions. The article by Van Til is probably the best thing you will ever read on the relationship between natural and special revelation. One book that I would add to Professor Frame's list is E.J. Young's Thy Word Is Truth. This is probably a better introduction to the topic than Warfield so I would recommend starting here.
Also, Professor Frame posted an article last week titled "The Bible and Joe the Plumber." I found this to be a very good article showing that the Bible does have a lot to say about economics. I recommend giving it a quick read.
Finally, Derek Thomas at Reformation21 posted that Sean Lucas has accepted a call as Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Hattiesburg, MS. I haven't seen a confirmation of this on Covenant Seminary's or Dr. Lucas' websites but assuming that it is true praise God for providing a shepherd for his flock there and pray for Dr. Lucas, his family, and the congregation in making the transition. Dr. Lucas is the author of On Being Presbyterian: Our Beliefs, Practices, and Stories, a fantastic primer on Presbyterianism that I highly recommend. He also wrote a biography on Robert Lewis Dabney that is very helpful in familiarizing ourselves with some of our heritage as Southern American Presbyterians.
1 comment:
Matt, Thanks for the referral to the excellent article on the economy by J. Frame. Talk about reducing a big problem to its essential elements!
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